
Sponsor and Co-sponsors

Hosted by:

China Electrotechnical Society


Organized by:
Xi 'an Jiaotong University

Xi 'an University of Technology

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Xi 'an Technological University

Xidian University

Xi 'an University of Science and Technology

Supported by: China Association For Science And Technology  

Media and Journal:
Transaction of China ElectrotechnTransaction of China Electrotechnical Society (EI)

Proceedings of The Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (EI)

Power System Technology (EI)

Automation of Electric Power Systems (EI)

Electric Machines and Control (EI)

Power System Protection and Control

High Voltage Apparatus

Electric Power Automation Equipment

Journal of Global Energy Interconnection

Electrical Engineering

Renewable Energy System and Equipment

Smart Power and Energy Security


Electrical Energy Systems (SCI)

High Voltage

Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP)

Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation

CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems

Global Energy Interconnection
